Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes
Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes Selling extremely well, for
secret reasons, these protection potion receipes were added in The Burning
Episode 091: Garrison Madness
In this episode your host Jim Younkin discusses what he's been doing now that he has a little time to play, garrisons, garrisons (and more garrisons), leveling, material prices, hotfixes, and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 091:
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Full show notes after the jump.
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Warlords of Draenor
To Stockpile Ore or Not To Stockpile Ore
As was updated in our recent post on material prices since launch:
@CM_Lore: "@dopplegager @TheCrafticus The Garrison was giving too much ore. That was hotfixed yesterday. Will take some time to see the effects." 2:31 PM - 26 Nov 2014
With "yesterday" in that tweet being November 25th, as of this writing the garrison mining nodes have been nerfed for about 4 days. To determine whether it would be worth buying up some of the "cheap" ore now in preparation for an eventual theoretical price increase due to a lowering supply I thought I'd check the numbers.
Warlords Pricing Trends for Ore, Herbs, Enchanting, Leather, and Cloth Since Launch
Tonight I am going to record the pricing trends for the various crafting materials introduced in Warlords of Draenor.
Since it's been about 2 weeks since launch the very beginning data will soon not be shown in The Undermine Journal charts. This is my chance to record it for posterity.
I'll be showing the charts and giving some light commentary after the break.
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Warlords of Draenor
Garrisons, Casinos, and Lawn Mower Races
Yesterday I summed up my current feelings about my experiences with the following tweet:
"You know how you can turn off XP for 10g? Blizz needs to implement "Don't let me into my Garrison for 10 hours". Then I'd actually level."
The reason I came to that conclusion is that I feel like I've been spending what limited time I do have to play the game endlessly fiddling around with my garrisons rather than doing what I feel like I should be doing: leveling.
Grouper Now Compatible With The New Undermine Journal
We're happy to say that Grouper has been updated to work with links from the newly relaunched Undermine Journal!
Grouper is the fastest way to build TSM-importable shopping lists from places like the Undermine Journal Deals, Unusuals, and Wowuction Bargain Hunter pages.
In addition it's layout had been made responsive so it will look and work better at various screen sizes.
As always you can find Grouper by using the "Grouper" link in the top menu here at Power Word: Gold.
If you've never use Grouper before check out our Guide To Grouper and our post Using TradeSkillMaster and WoWuction To Quickly Find Bargains.
Now get our there and snag those deals before someone else does!
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Gold-Making With Jim! #354 - Warlords Launch
More Warlords of Draenor Launch madness in Gold-Making With Jim Episode #345! Also check out the Episode 300-400 YouTube Playlist for past episodes!
Part 1: WoW Gold-Making With Jim! #354 Pt.1/2 Warlords Launch by Jim Younkin (Part 2 after the jump.)
Episode 090: Back In Business
In this episode your host Jim Younkin discusses what he's been up to while on break from WoW, the Warlords of Draenor launch, level 90 items, cross-faction auction houses, and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 090:
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Full show notes after the jump.
Finding and Flipping Level 90 Warlords of Draenor BoE Greens From The AH
A new expansion is upon us and that means finding the green items that can be flipped. In the past these were the 77-80 Cataclysm items usable in Wrath of the Lich King (and PVP) and the 83-84 Mists of Pandaria items usable by those still in Cataclysm (and PVP).
With Warlords of Draenor Blizzard hasn't abandoned us old-time green flippers completely. The left us one possible source of flipping income: green Bind-on-Equip level 90 WoD items. These can be used by level 90s still in Mists of Pandaria.
Unobtainium No More by Dasvamp
(Today's guest post was written by Dasvamp. Submit your own gold-making guest post for consideration to [email protected].)
Been a reader of PW:Gold for quite some time, and it was the articles by The Mogfather that infected me with the Goblin virus.
Guess that I was lucky to be first on my server to notice the possibilities of Xmog and it went really well, from a couple 10’s K gold to half a million in 5-6 months, was really awesome.
Best Starter Tier 2 Small and Medium Garrison Buildings To Make Gold?
I finally got my first Tier 2 Garrison in Warlords of Draenor and I now have the question that many of you have had to answer: which starter medium and and small building should I build in Tier 2?
In my post Details On All Twenty Garrison Buildings In The Warlords Beta I outlined what the buildings were at the time. For my initial thoughts on the beta buildings go back and read that post. In this post I hope to think out loud a bit about the possible choices for small and medium buildings at Tier 2.
Back In The Saddle Again
I finally stole away some time to level my garrison and now I'm getting the dreaded "Character not found" error. This means that I have a bit of "free" time to do things like, oh I don't know, write a blog post!
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Gold-Making With Jim! #353 My Warlords Launch! (AKA The Waiting Game)
WoW Gold-Making With Jim! #353 Pt.1/2 Warlords Launch by Jim Younkin
WoW Gold-Making With Jim! #353 Pt.2/2 Warlords Launch by Jim Younkin
Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our Gold-Making Guides, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, and subscribe via Youtube.
All I Could See…
Too Many Cooks
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2015 in absentia - I almost can't believe this is my first post in more than a year. I post glyphs just recently, and it was the first time in three months. So I thought I'...
Mechanisms of Action - It's been... a couple months - I think? Since I last really played WoW. Sure, I've logged in, but - I just screwed around in my Garrison and then stared ...
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Blog Archive
- December (15)
- Episode 091: Garrison Madness
- To Stockpile Ore or Not To Stockpile Ore
- Warlords Pricing Trends for Ore, Herbs, Enchanting...
- Garrisons, Casinos, and Lawn Mower Races
- Grouper Now Compatible With The New Undermine Jour...
- Gold-Making With Jim! #354 - Warlords Launch
- Episode 090: Back In Business
- Finding and Flipping Level 90 Warlords of Draenor ...
- Unobtainium No More by Dasvamp
- Best Starter Tier 2 Small and Medium Garrison Buil...
- Back In The Saddle Again
- Nooooooooo!
- Gold-Making With Jim! #353 My Warlords Launch! (AK...
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