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Finding and Flipping Level 90 Warlords of Draenor BoE Greens From The AH
A new expansion is upon us and that means finding the green items that can be flipped. In the past these were the 77-80 Cataclysm items usable in Wrath of the Lich King (and PVP) and the 83-84 Mists of Pandaria items usable by those still in Cataclysm (and PVP).
With Warlords of Draenor Blizzard hasn't abandoned us old-time green flippers completely. The left us one possible source of flipping income: green Bind-on-Equip level 90 WoD items. These can be used by level 90s still in Mists of Pandaria.
First off a few thoughts on actually how viable buying and flipping these items are. There are a few things we need to keep in mind:- Anyone with Warlords of Draenor will be able to get better gear than this simply doing the starter quests and killing WoD rares.
- The number of people who don't have WoD but are still playing are likely few and far between. That said, I know plenty of people (myself included) who have second accounts that aren't updated.
- PVPers aren't likely to use these items simply because the power they offer is likely much less than the item level boost you could get when the levels were much lower than the max level.
- Level 90 boosted characters get a full set of level 483 items.
- The market could simply never materialize like it did in the booming 77-80 Cata times or the good 83-84 MoP era.
Even with all that said I'm still going to give this market a shot. Worst case scenario I lose and bit of gold and have lots of disenchanting fodder for my enchanters.
Finding the items using Wowhead filters
To find the item's item levels I went to Wowhead and moused over Database > Items > Armor > Cloth (arbitrary choice but useful for my purposes).Once I was on the page I:
- Set the "Required level" min to 90
- Set the "Required level" max to 90
- Added a "Added in expansion" filter to "Warlords of Draenor"
- Added a "Binds when equipped" filter to "Yes"
The filters looked like this:
As the filters point out this basically gives me any item that is Bind-on-Equip (BoE) that drops in Warlords of Draenor.
This is what I'm needing because if it's BoE I can sell it to other players. When I looked at the item level column of the results it showed the items were item level (iLevel) 483.
Now all I had to do was figure out how to search the auction house for iLevel 483 items that required level 90.
This is what I'm needing because if it's BoE I can sell it to other players. When I looked at the item level column of the results it showed the items were item level (iLevel) 483.
Now all I had to do was figure out how to search the auction house for iLevel 483 items that required level 90.
Finding the items using Auctionator
I'm adding how to find these with Auctionator because some of us still use this old work horse of an gold-making addon.To find level 90 WoD greens (weapons or armor) in Auctionator:
- Click on the Buy tab at the bottom of the AH window
- Type "Armor/90/90/i483/i483" or "Weapon/90/90/i483/i483" into the search box and press "Search"
- After the results appear click the "Lowest Price" column header to swap so the lowest priced items are on top.
- Don't pay attention to any 483 epics you may find. Those are MoP items and of no use to us here.
- Click the item you want to buy and follow the menus to buy the item. (When I was writing this I had some issues where Auctionator wouldn't buy an item. Not sure why.)
- Click "Back" to get back to the search results.
- Rinse & repeat
Finding the items using TradeSkillMaster
To find these items in TSM we can type the search in directly (if we know the format to use) or build it using the Custom Filters and then use the output.The TSM Shopping Custom Filter builder basically allows you to use drop downs and menus to then build the text required to do the searches.
To find level 90 WoD greens (weapons or armor) in TSM:
- Click on the "Shopping Tab" at the bottom of the auction window
- Click the "Custom Filter" button under the search box at the top of the window
- Enter "90" in the first "Required Level Range" box
- Enter "90" in the second "Required Level Range" box
- Enter "483" into both of the "Item Level Range" boxes
- Select "Armor" (or "Weapon") from the "Item Class" dropdown
- Click the "Start Search" button in the lower left
- Once the search is complete click the top of the "Price Per Item" column to sort the items cheapest first
- Click on the item you want to buy then use the Buyout button to buy it.
- Rinse & repeat
Once you're done with the above you'll notice TSM has put "/90/90/i483/i483/Armor" unto the search box. This is the search in the notation that TSM likes.
After you've run this search once, to run it in the future select the "Saved Searches" button under the search box. Your search term will appear in the "Recent Searches" section of the right-most window. Click the search term there to run it.
You can also right-click the term to move it to the "Saved Searches" section under Recent Searches. You will always be able to run the search by clicking on the term from the Saved Searches section.
Auctionator syntax is: itemtype/minlevel/maclevel/minilevel(with "i" in front of it)/maxilevel(with "i" in front of it). Example: "armor/90/90/i483/i483"
TSM syntax is: minlevel/maxlevel/minilevel(with "i" in front of it)/maxilevel(with "i" in front of it)/itemtype. Example: /90/90/i483/i483/Armor (Not much different. Basically the item type is moved.)
After you've run this search once, to run it in the future select the "Saved Searches" button under the search box. Your search term will appear in the "Recent Searches" section of the right-most window. Click the search term there to run it.
You can also right-click the term to move it to the "Saved Searches" section under Recent Searches. You will always be able to run the search by clicking on the term from the Saved Searches section.
A note on search syntax:
TSM's syntax is similar in syntax to Auctionator's searches. Once you learn the syntax you can write searches by hand very quickly.Auctionator syntax is: itemtype/minlevel/maclevel/minilevel(with "i" in front of it)/maxilevel(with "i" in front of it). Example: "armor/90/90/i483/i483"
TSM syntax is: minlevel/maxlevel/minilevel(with "i" in front of it)/maxilevel(with "i" in front of it)/itemtype. Example: /90/90/i483/i483/Armor (Not much different. Basically the item type is moved.)
Flipping Tips
For me I'm not buying these items for much over 40-50 gold each. It's a gamble if they will sell so I'm keeping my costs low at first.Once you have the items it's just a matter of posting them up for sale. I'd recommend doing this by sticking the items into a TSM group and adding an auctioning operation that has a minimum price of 195g and a max price of 350g.
In my experience that is the sweet spot for pricing on green items like this. You want it to be high enough to get a decent profit but not so high that the person buying has second thoughts.
For most people 195-350 gold for a decent upgrade is worth it. I've sold thousands of items in this price range and it works well.
Bonus Protip
If you use TSM to buy and sell items you most likely have the "Create Macro and Bind ScrollWheel" option set to allow you to post anc cancel by holding Ctrl and scrolling your mouse wheel.If you do there will be a "TSM" macro in your general macros. You can add the ability to click the buying buttons for items that come up as a serach result. I use this to quickly buy cheap items.
To get this to work I recommend building a "backup" macro with the following. This won't be the macro you use but if you have to rebind the TSM macro in the future is weill erase any modifications you've done to it.
Build a backup macro with the following text"
/click TSMAHTabBuyoutButton
/click TSMAHConfirmationActionButton
Then go into your "TSM" macro and paste in the above below the text that is already in there. (If you ever erase or TSM resets your modified TSM macro simply copy the above from your backup macro and paste it into the TSM macro again.
If you added the item into the TSM macro correctly is should be this:
/click TSMAuctioningCancelButton
/click TSMAuctioningPostButton
/click TSMAHTabBuyoutButton
/click TSMAHConfirmationActionButton
The top two lines are the default TSM macro and the bottom two lines are our additions.
Once you have the above set up all you need to do is wait for your search to finish, click the top (or any item but I sort by cheapest at top so I click the top item) then hold Ctrl (or what ever modifier you use with your TSM) and scroll your wheel. It sometimes takes two clicks, sometimes one to buy an item.
Don't scroll too fast at first. Take some time to get used to the speed or else you could end up buying items you didn't want to because you went scroll crazy. It's not like cancelling or posting where you can scroll like mad. Basically when I'm getting to the items at my price limit I slow down so I don't go over budget.
I'm hoping that this market is solid. I can see from my own server that there are people selling these greens for around 250 or so. The nice thing about these flipping markets, as opposed to glyphs for example, is that chance someone else will have the exact same item as you is fairly low. There tends to not be that much item-to-item competition which increases the chance someone will buy your item.I hope this helped and I'm anxious to see if any of these sell. (As a side note now that the faction AHs are linked I no longer have to run these markets with multiple toons on both factions.)
Initial tests seem to tell us that these may sell well. See screenshot below.Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our Gold-Making Guides, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, join the subreddit, and subscribe via Youtube.
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I'm giving this a try and have run into something unusual. I did the green flipping until the last few months of Mists because they stopped selling well. But I had the operation going, where I'd buy and post and everything. It worked well.
ReplyDeleteGiving this a try on a few items and I've encountered something I didn't before: the "of the ___" suffixes are being ignored. What I mean is, I have Coldsnout Jerken of the Fireflash listed but TSM won't list Coldsnout Jerken of the Feverflare because "[Coldsnout Jerkin] Maximum amount already posted".
I am pretty sure there is an option somewhere about this but I can't find it. I've checked and unchecked "Ignore Random Enchants on Ungrouped Items" without it making a difference. I've gone through Options, options on the Group, and the auction group settings. I'm at a loss as to what setting I'm missing. Do you know what it is? Are you having this problem? Argh!
I have had the same issue and don't have a fix for it. I'm assuming it's a TSM bug. There is a check box on the add items page to turn it on and off but it's failing in this case. Kinda sucks but it's working ok even if there pricing against a whole set of items rather than one-on-one.