Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes
Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes Selling extremely well, for
secret reasons, these protection potion receipes were added in The Burning
Showing posts with label 83-84. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 83-84. Show all posts
Full 83-84 MoP Armor TradeSkillMaster Importable Lists
About a month ago it occurred to me that if I had a list of every desirable 83-84 Mists of Pandaria armor and suffix in the game and was able to import that list into TradeSkillMaster that I would be able to greatly simplify not only the selling of items in my 83-84 market items but also make buying them easier.
My goal was to build such a set of master lists I could import into TradeSkillMaster groups. Once I had created a groups using this lists I could then build TSM shopping operations to search for the items and TSM Auctioning Operations to sell these items. All this with out ever having to spend time adding newly purchased items one by one into TSM groups by hand.
Read on past the jump for more info on how I create the lists and, more importantly, the lists themselves for you import into TradeSkillMaster and use yourself.
Item Level Jumps - Why Flipping Items Sell
Today we are going to be doing a deep-dive analysis on the phenomenon on what we are calling "item level jumps" in World of Warcaft. We will be looking at what they are, why they make some items more valuable than others.
Understanding the underlying principles behind item level jumps will help you better understand why certain flipping items are desired by players and why we can charge more for them. Head past the jump for more.
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Understanding the underlying principles behind item level jumps will help you better understand why certain flipping items are desired by players and why we can charge more for them. Head past the jump for more.
Do Suffixes Matter When Selling Flipping Items?
As I discussed on Episode 067 of the podcast I've been thinking about optimizing my flipping item auctions in order to help cut down my posting fees.
Today I'm going to be analyzing my own sales based on the item suffixes (...of the Invoker, ...of the Eagle, etc.) in order to see if I can eliminate any suffixes that are particular bad sellers. Read on past the jump for our research and analysis.
Play Free For 7 Days (Of Gold-Making Goodness!!)
I received the following email from Blizzard for a few of my expired accounts. Last time they sent out an email like this I am fairly sure I saw a decent spike in my 77-80 and 83-84 item sales. If you sell 77-80 Cataclysm, 83-84, 87-88 MoP and Crafted Dreadful PVP items be sure to have yours up on the auction house. (See also The Big List Of 77-79 & 83-84 Item Flipping Information)
Players who take Blizzard up on its offer and play the game free for 7 days will likely want to take as much advantage of the "reduced XP needed from level 85 to 90" as they can. That often means buying some items from the auction house.
Full email text after the jump.
The Big List of 77-79 & 83-84 Item Flipping Information
If you've been following Power Word: Gold for any length of time you'll know that I make the majority of my gold these day's by flipping (buying low and re-selling high) 77-79 Cataclysm (77-80 before 5.3) and 83-84 Mists of Pandaria items.
In order to help flippers (both new and old) get up and running I've compiled links to all the helpful posts that we've posted about the flipping markets into one post. Head past the jump for all of the links.
Trillium Ore Shopping Spree
In this livestream we go on a bit of a shopping spree, get ourselves acquainted with the Ironpaw dailies and much more.
Watch Part 1 and Part 2 directly on YouTube or head past the jump for embedded versions.
Troubleshooting Slowing Sales In Flipping Markets
Below is a reader question I received about potential slowing of their flipping markets after their return from a break in playing.
I decided to ask them permission to use their questions and my answers as a blog post because I think it not only addresses general uncertainties that many people have when doing flipping markets but also offers some good advice for those in the 77-79 and 83-84 flipping markets who may feel their markets are shifting of somehow slowing.
Read on past the jump to see their questions and my responses.
The Psychological Effects Of Gathering
In this livestream we ponder the way gathering your own materials can change your perception of "cost", get back into the gem markets, disenchant our way out of another market and much more.
You can watch the livestream directly on YouTube here: WoW Gold-Making! (2.1 Million+) 4.18.13 by Jim Younkin or head past the jump for the embedded version.
A Little Farming Never Hurt Anyone
In this livestream we do a bit of ore farming, skinning, and good old fashioned auction house flipping. We also go over TSM Common Search Terms and much more.
Watch Part 1 and Part 2 directly on YouTube or head past the jump for the embedded versions.
Ultimate Gathering Addon Mega Mix
In this livestream we show how we combine Gathermate2, Gathermate2 Data, Routes and SexyMap to build the ultimate lazy-man's gathering setup, debate the validity of gold-making as a "proper" World of Warcraft activity and much more.
Watch Part 1 and Part 2 directly on YouTube or head past the jump for the embedded versions.
I'm Definitely Cognizant Of Your Criticisms
In this livestream we get to see some Animal Planet-style cat fights, answer criticisms about gold-making technique and optimization, go over some interesting transmog items and much more.
Watch Part 1 and Part 2 directly on YouTube or head past the break for the embedded versions.
Is That Really Worth 4000 Gold?
In this livestream we go bargain hunting on WoWuction and find a recipe that may be worth 4K, discuss "grooming" the Crafted Dreadful markets and much more.
Watch the video directly on YouTube here: WoW Gold-Making! (2.1 Million+) 4.12.13 by Jim Younkin or head past the jump to watch the embedded version.
Using TradeSkillMaster and WoWuction To Quickly Find Bargains
As we mentioned on The Power Word: Gold Podcast Episode 059 we've been exported data from the Bargain Hunter Reports and importing it into temporary TradeSkillMaster shopping lists to quickly search for bargains.
Read past the jump for the complete step-by-step tutorial on how you can do this yourself.
Gold-Making With Friends
In this livestream we are lucky enough to have WowProfitz, Erogroth and GoblinRaset join us on voice chat for the livestream. We discuss all things gold-making and beyond.
You can watch the video on YouTube here: WoW Gold-Making! (2.1 Million+) 4.11.13 by Jim Younkin + Guests or head past the jump for the embedded version.
Pulling 14K From The Mailbox
There are days you don't seem to make any gold and others you make tons. This days was one of the latter. We pull 14K from from the mailbox on one character alone, work our normal flipping routines, give advice on speeding up posting and much more.
Watch Part 1 and Part 2 on YouTube or head past the jump for the embedded versions.
The Case Of The Mysteriously Quite Crowd
In this livestream we had a large amount of viewers who were surprisingly un-talkative. We eventually realized that chat was being ornery an ended up settin up a temporary chat. (We also did a ton of gold-making in between.)
You can watch Part 1 and Part 2 on directly on YouTube or head past the jump for the embedded versions.
Everything Is On The Table (Except The Cat)
In this livestream we go bargain hunting at Wowuction, give some tools for people to get started in transmog sales, work on an easier way to calculate Jewelcrafting mat costs and much more. (Also be sure to watch around 1:37:50 in Part 1 for a special treat.)
You can watch Part 1 and Part 2 directly on YouTube or head past the jump for the embedded versions.
A Tiny Tiny Blacksmith In A Big Big World
In this livestream we discuss how to get Pandaria Jewelcrafting patterns, discuss obtaining new Blacksmithing patterns from Itoka, pricing for 77-80 and 83-84 items and much more.
You can watch the Part 1 and Part 2 directly on YouTube or head past the jump for the embedded versions.
Down To The River. Down To The Silken Fields.
In this livestream we discuss new addons, using Consortium Key Sender, create a new post live, work on our tailoring Paladin's new markets and much more.
You can watch Part 1 and Part 2 directly on YouTube or head past the jump for the embedded versions.
Kitty Is Not Impressed With My Gold-Making
In this livestream we go over ways to speed up repetitive tasks, work on making gold with our new Tailoring cooldowns, look for great deals via AH websites and much more.
You can view Part 1 and Part 2 directly on YouTube or head past the jump for the embedded versions.
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A Guide to Farming Instances For Mogging Items
Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...

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Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...
I'm sorry. I can't let you do that. Sorry for the slightly misleading title. I did make 5k gold in Netherstorm in one week exce...
We've heard plenty of circumstantial evidence of rampant "duping" (duplication) of items in recent months. We've heard ...
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I decided to have some fun with the exported data you can get from the Resources > Data Export page on WoWuction ( example page ). ...

Gold-Making Blog Roll
The Blizzcon 2015 Charity Dinner - Blizzcon 2015 was my: - first trip alone - first trip outside of Canada since I was 16 years old - first airplane trip - first Blizzcon That ...
Selling Sky Golems - I had wanted to write up a post detailing the Stonehide Leather shuffle that I had been using. But Blizzard recently nerfed this option, and it is no lon...
Follow Quin69 at Gamescon - Click the read more to view the livestream on Quin69 at Gamescon Watch live video from Quin69 on
2015 in absentia - I almost can't believe this is my first post in more than a year. I post glyphs just recently, and it was the first time in three months. So I thought I'...
Mechanisms of Action - It's been... a couple months - I think? Since I last really played WoW. Sure, I've logged in, but - I just screwed around in my Garrison and then stared ...
Így indul 2015 - Kedves Book of Gold vásárlók/érdeklődők! A 2015. január 1-től életbe lépő rengeteg törvénymódosítás között szerepelt egy ÁFA-törvény módosítás is. Eszerin...
Old school potions are insane - Hey peeps! Quick update here. If you have an alchemist laying around with Potion of treasure finding (Cataclysm recipe) and potion of luck (MOP recipe) t...
Name the Podcast: Vote - The finalists have been chosen! Now is the time to vote!! The poll will close right before we record Episode 4! You'll be able to vote 3 separate times 1. ...

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