Network Levels
I’m currently planning to reorganize the entire way I have structured my
posts. I will not be deleting anything that has been posted before but the
How To Turn Off Outlines In Warlords of Draenor
If you don't like the "outlines" that Blizzard added in World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.2 the setting to turn them off is a bit buried. Here's how to turn them off.
TL:DR - Options > Interface > Display > Outline Mode > Disabled (or Quest Objectives Only)
Patch 6.0.2 The Iron Tide New User Interface Bits
Blizzard pulled me back in with 7 free days of game time. So far I've updated my files and jumped into game. So far all I've had time to do is log in and poke around the new interface.
(In addition some of you who have been reading the blog may notice some visual changes to the blog. We're happy to say that Power Word: Gold is now a "responsive" site which means that it is is much more readable on tablets and smartphones as well as desktop.
With going responsive we've also streamlined the overall look of the site (we didn't accidentally all of our blogger widgets without backing them up. That definitely didn't happen. *cough*) and will continue to refine the look of the site somewhat here and there. If there was something you used to find on the site that you can't now be sure to let us know.
In addition the new layout may have some funkyness and images in past posts may not all be perfectly readable on smaller devices. We apologize as that's just the price we pay for going responsive.)
Below are some images and impressions including how my favorite addon Adibags handles the Reagent bank.
Over 3,000,000! (Almost)
Just a quick note to say that Power Word: Gold will likely hit 3 Million all-time pageviews in the next few days.
That's crazy.
Also, Blizz pulled me back in with 7 free days of game time. I'll be logging in for a few hours tonight to poke around. (Now if the patch would just finish!)
Update: Boom!
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Macros For Quickly Buying 5-Stack Vendor Items In WoD Beta
If you're like me and buying lots of items from your Garrison Trading Post vendor you might have noticed it is very annoying to have to click each and confirm buying each 5 stack or ore (for example).
I decided to use good old /framestack (or /fstack) command to see if I could build a macro that would click all those buttons for me…and it worked! Head past the jump for the macros and how I made them.
Warlords of Draenor Beta Gameplay - #003
Warlords of Draenor Beta Gameplay! - #003 Pt.1/2 by Jim Younkin
In this livestream we continue our march into the Warlords of Draenor Beta. Find part 2 after the jump.
Details On All Twenty Garrison Buildings In The Warlords Beta
The new Level 100 build of the Warlords of Draenor Beta is all about Garrisons with Blizzard giving you all sorts of tricks and shortcuts that allow beta testers to build all sorts of Garrison goodness.
I was very interested in all the different Garrison buildings along with all the different levels of those buildings and what benefits they offer. Read on past the jump for details on all twenty building you can build in the current beta.
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Warlords of Draenor
New Garrison & Profession Information Via BlizzPro
Image Source: BlizzPro |
In the post "Build 18566: Garrison and Profession Shifts" BlizzPro's Crow (@unlimitedBLACK) gives us some further observations and insights on how garrisons and professions are coming together (and working together) in the Warlords of Draenor beta.
Read on past the jump for a few excerpts and my thoughts on the changes.
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Warlords of Draenor
New Warcraft Movie Revealed…To Be Hideous?
Revealed at the @Legendary booth, here's your first look at the #WarcraftMovie logo! #LegendarySDCC
— Legendary (@Legendary) July 24, 2014
My initial thoughts are I don't like this new Warcraft movie logo but I'm not sure how much of that is based on the actual merits of the logo versus how much of that feeling is based on a a sort-of "you're messing with our stuff" tradition bias.
In addition, it seems from looking closely at the image that this is a still image from a motion picture and we seem to be seeing the logo in mid-special effect as the blue logo is being burnt with read fire and leaving behind the upper grey logo.
Regardless of if it's caught in mid-effect or not the basic structure of the logo itself, blue or grey, will likely be an issue for most World of Warcraft traditionalists as it seems to disregard anything from the original WoW logo design instead going for more of a "Starcraft" feel.
Either way, I'm sure it will grow on me.
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